Sitemap - 2022 - Letters of Note
I have just been through one of the most extraordinary scenes imaginable
Look for me in the trees. I will be there in the trees.
Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus
Christmas should be more than just external things, Tommy
Another stupid party last night
I talked with Santa yesterday and he is fine
She was the beat of my heart for thirty years
Your playing has got worse and worse
You can’t have a show with no audience
I am speaking on behalf of 640 kids who all HATE you
There are only three kinds of things anyone need ever do...
I’m going to keep hustling and scuffling
I can and will do more good if I were made a Federal Agent at Large
Your birthday shall always be a Thanksgiving Day to me
By the time I was in the fifth grade, I knew I either wanted to be a nun or a movie star
That the situation is hopeless should not prevent us from doing our best
It always seems to me that so few people live — they just seem to exist
I’ve been a prisoner of war since December 19th, 1944...
Take life seriously but none of the people in it
I intend to spend the rest of my life wasting time
I thought of you, as the flames shot up
I long to surprise him with terrific disguises
Portentous, derisive, dull, dismal, damnable...
I have been worrying about Russia and the United States getting into a nuclear war
Every page fills me with a sick loathing
May I suggest that Mr. Bond be armed with a revolver?
It was hard to give five sons all at once to the Navy
I think one of the noblest projects for anyone in age is to find a shape in his life
A spectacle, not of reverent mourning, but of intolerable ignorance
I will NOT give up the belief in true love
Most letters from a parent contain a parent’s own lost dreams disguised as good advice
I cannot bear to think of Lilibet, so young to bear such a burden
Allow me to enlighten your readers...
Art is an adventure into an unknown world
Tears don't flow the same in space
If we love, we grieve. That’s the deal.
I do not wish to spend the rest of my life with my nose nailed to other people’s lavatories
The longor you keep my Child from me the longor you will have to burn in hell
I consider reading the greatest bargain in the world
I refuse to be cheated out of my deathbed scene
Thom seems to be a baby-shaped baby and I like him very much
Your name is upon every tongue
You puked on everything decent I ever owned
Modern life is often a mechanical oppression and liquor is the only mechanical relief
If you only had a Beatle haircut you would be the most beautiful man in the whole wide world
I wonder what your true beliefs really are
You always believed in me when I didn’t believe in myself
This rain of atomic bombs will increase manyfold in fury
What a hell of a bore to have to think of it even
The differences are really negligible, apart from so far not falling over and breaking my leg
The very time I thought I was lost, my dungeon shook and my chains fell off
I don’t think lady-footballers will ever be able to ‘shoot’ goals
So perfect is my love for you that I am, as it were, still, silent to my very soul
Others believe a poet ought to go to the Moon
If I ever get to be 91, I hope I’ll be as mean as you are
I suppose a skonk had been there or else a hen In the shape of a skonk
Let’s see them work out that lot
Thou shalt dwell in houses thou hast not builded
Don’t try to make yourself into somebody perfect
If you cut his side burns off we will just die!
Just a static present, surrounded by a wall of anxiety
One must work and riot and throw oneself into the whirl
I feel obliged to offer my services in the continuing struggle against the cursed Death Eaters
Your work is an insult to your intelligence
You’re the object of my desire, the #1 Earthly reason for my existence
Do you take us for a gang of brainless lizards?
I think your work is quite incredible
No dream can do justice to you
Dear Miss Absolutely Amazing Thing
You are the unexploded bomb to me
The moths who had sampled your loin wares found that they could not digest them
Thank you for the unexpected and unsolicited submission of your p*** portrait for our consideration
Man remains the cruelest of all animals
Of all the bête, clumsy, blundering, boggling, baboon-blooded stuff I ever saw on a human stage...
What great births you have witnessed!
You were a brilliant light for me in a sometimes dark childhood
Even my bones seem to cry for you
Write to me when you get this, or before you do, only write and tell me all there is to tell me
Please don’t let anyone Americanise it!
Every writer has his own voice
History has taught you nothing if you think you can kill ideas
I am clearly suspect and not believable
I am afraid I’m much too important to write notes to people like you
I wonder if you could do a drawing for me of an explosive slab of chocolate
Fashions in fear change, but do people?
You must let me cry my cry for him
No son of mine is going to write stories LIKE THAT and live in MY HOUSE!
Thank you for your letter. I shall try to do better.
One means of sanity is to retain a hold on the natural world
The crabs of the world seem to fly to me
I was intoxicated as to pass all bounds
Diversity guarantees our cultural survival
I am a lousy copywriter, but I am a good editor
What did you bring that book that I don’t want to be read to out of up for?
Like a tree in full bearing struck at the root
I would like to be paid like a plumber
I love her more than anything in the world & always have
These children had no homes—and nothing to eat. The cruel Nazis had bombed their cities.
Always believe you can change the world
I shall miss you with passion and wild regret
How clever and capricious you are, cloaking yourself in anonymity
All I ask of our brethren is that they will take their feet from off our necks
Letters Live at the Royal Albert Hall
I decline to sit in a hot room and eat dead animals, even with you to amuse me.
You’d better send me a letter. I don’t faint from letters.
I always believed in my heart that we had a great deal in common
In many ways we feel your pain
I was knighted this morning...
Oh, God, how it hurts to write this
Most of your life will happen in the gray spaces between bliss and heartbreak
'Literature cannot be the business of a woman’s life, and it ought not to be'
Brown is as pretty as white or prettier
'He was a force for evil in the world'
A literary charlatan of the extremest order
'I love you, I want you, I need you unbearably.'
You know who Nina is, don’t you?
Always buzzing, humming, soaring roaring diving, and then buried in mud.
Nothing fruitful or sincere could ever emerge from association between us
Only unselfishly can you enjoy life to the fullest
A gross failure of responsibility
'There is no telling where I may apply, if you turn me down'
I hope one day to get to America