Perfect timing to have this drop into my inbox. We have had a troubled few months with my eldest. I printed this and left him to read it, we both had tears and spoke frankly. This has helped our relationship, thank you.
I knew of his courage in facing what he did and what some may face as well these days. I now can marvel at his parental wisdom. Thank you for keeping Trumbo with us!
Perfect timing to have this drop into my inbox. We have had a troubled few months with my eldest. I printed this and left him to read it, we both had tears and spoke frankly. This has helped our relationship, thank you.
This brought me to tears, what a thoughtful, generous and amiable father.
I knew of his courage in facing what he did and what some may face as well these days. I now can marvel at his parental wisdom. Thank you for keeping Trumbo with us!
Would that all parents could express themselves with such eloquence and profundity.
This is what every parent longs to say and every child longs to hear.
What a wonderful father. Must be nice.
Essential reading for every human being. Thank you so much for sharing! X
What a fantastic letter to have.
Beautiful words from a parent to a child.
Fathers of daughters, don't you wish you had the ability to pass those sentiments on you your daughters, or to your eldest child?
I have sent it to every young human I know...
Immensely beautiful letter. I wish I had a parent like that.
You had a tough time choosing only one phrase. Good job! What a colourful letter.