My goodness. What a very special lady.

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So beautifully written and so very true 💗

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I still haven't forgiven MSNBC for the way they unceremoniously dumped Melissa, one of my favorite interviewers and hosts.

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A wonderful, full of wonder letter. Thank you

for publishing this. Thank you Melissa.

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Amazing woman and powerful words. Sadly, no matter how much women assert the importance of our existence, it seems we always have to defend it to these people.

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Stop B*tching, for christsakes! The kid is not your body, and therefore not your right! You disgust me, and I'm not even a Republican - just a decent person who values life. You were a victim, but that doesn't condone murder. ALL LIVES MATTER!!!!!

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WOW! What a powerful woman. That was stunning to read & I’m quite speechless. Thank you for posting this.

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