Tears to my eyes. The Grace, the kindness, the gratitude so well expressed. I am in awe. Thank you for sharing these with us.

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Have we lost the art of writing letters? Mrs Kennedy's letters here show such grace and love. How can one do that in an email or text or - g-d forbid - a TikTok?

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Read this after watching the video ...

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Such heartfelt grace, kindness and compassion she was able to show just a few days after the assassination of her husband. She was a remarkable woman.

Thank you for these letters.

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Thank you for your Substack. It one of my favorites. I look forward to reading each one.

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So much wisdom 💔

Every word about war and peace is describing actual madness.

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I always think of President and Mrs. Kennedy on this day. I remember it, even though I was a very little girl. I remember being horrified to see all the adults around me crying. Thank you very much for sharing these letters. Jackie O. was a person of beauty and grace. ♥

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Aloha🌺 LBJ ushered in policy that JFK was keen on, that of the War on Poverty. Low income people were given a chance for education to help increase earning power. It was a massive & effective policy that lifted the low income to middle income, and more. It wasn’t only the wealthy that could get education. It was a huge success. Also youth programs where low income youths could earn $ and further their education. That was a time when a President cared about American citizens and determined to lift the people up to be able to have quality of life. Joe Biden is now trying his best to give American citizens means to increase quality of life. I honor the intrinsic ethical values of JFK, LBJ and now JB. Many thanks and appreciation toward them.

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