This is so heartwarming. Thank you for sharing it with the audio! I had commented earlier too; but would it be possible to live stream and get people across the world to buy tickets to the event to watch the show in October, via a link provided only to those who purchase tickets? Otherwise only the privileged in London get to buy and watch the event live.

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Thanks. Very true.

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You have no idea how much I needed today’s Letters of Note, particularly Stephen Fry’s letter. I have bouts with depression, take medication for it in fact, but some days are simply beyond my best efforts or that of modern medicine. Yesterday was such a day. And then I read Stephen Fry’s comparison of depression to the weather. I can cope with weather. I have no control over weather, dreary weather is not my fault. It will pass, and the sun will come out again. Brilliant.

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This is precious Thanks for sharing it !

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That’s utterly amazing. I’m a fan of Stephen too, have enjoyed everything he’s done and his podcasts he did back in 2008ish, helped me through a challenging time of my own.

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