I so enjoy these letters. The one by Virginia Woolf really made me chuckle today as I am 70 and she sounded disgusted by the "old 71 year old." A few years ago I found a box of letters written to my dad during WWII by his siblings and mother...maybe even a few from his father. The letters are full of brown stains from a fire in their attic (started by a neighbor's disposing of a cigarette into their leaf filled gutter). The letters are more than amusing. You are inspiring me to write them out for sharing.

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Thank you. Your timing is perfect. I opened my mail, found Fyodor's new plan waiting for me, and have immediately adopted it as the only rational response to life today.

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Thank you - the joy of reading the excerpts made my day.

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Poor Tchaikovsky. I love the simple bliss in Van Gogh's letter. A rare happiness for him, I'm sure.

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The one from Virginia Woolf is one of the nastiest hateful things I've seen in some time.

The one by Van Gogh, sublime.

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Raising a glass to Frida❤️

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I’m always fascinated by the writings of Jane Austen and Virginia Wolf, so to see their personal letters is quite a treat. I’m also impressed with Jane Manfield’s view toward life. And a bit surprised!

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