Oh my God this is amazing. I now want to read all of her letters. And her grocery lists.

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Perfect. There isn't enough Midol in the world to make up for condescending BS from the menstrual products industry.

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Couldn't have said it better myself. And, when I first heard that slogan "Have a happy period," my first thought was, "Bet that one was written by a MAN!"

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Brilliantly hilarious. And true.

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Hahaha! I laughed so hard reading this!

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I love this so much. I think I must read her memoir. For the movement. What a warrior!

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Ahahahahahahaha. Lovely

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Multiple laugh-out-louds. Sending to friends, thank you Shaun!

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Best Substack I’ve read all week! Even my period-free even-tempered lucky devil of a husband laughed so hard he almost needed a pack.

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Gods, I love angry women!

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