Folks might like to know of the existence of The Handwritten Letter Appreciation Society: https://thehandwrittenletterappreciationsociety.org/ which exists purely to encourage people to handwrite letters.

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Thank you! I’ll join. How lovely.

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I feel better now.

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I started writing handwritten letters a couple of years ago. Of the 3 or 4 people I wrote to only one has turned into a continuing handwritten letter correspondence. I have been known to apologize for my handwriting occasionally as I find my brain works faster than my hand. 😊 I wish more people wrote letters. Getting a letter in the mail is so much more exciting than getting an email or a text.

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Sadly, in my neck of the woods, we don't trust anything to the service that says it delivers to mail boxes. I'm in Washington; my mail has been sent to Hawaii, Texas, and all points in between. Mail box theft is a big issue here, too. I read the USPS audits and they are akin to horror stories by Stephen King.

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I love the idea of exchanging letters, sadly I don't know anyone who would reciprocate by letter and not just send a text.

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These excuses are clever. I just apologized for my handwriting in a postcard the other day.

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I love the one from Louise Brogan. I think I'll use it too as my handwriting has really gone downhill.

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