Somehow I relate to all of the letters and sentiments. It takes me back to the year my mother got me a Siamese kitten for Christmas. When our tree was finally decorated with lights blinking, the kitten jumped from the mantel over the fireplace into the tree, causing a great rattling and tinkling, screams from my mother and curses from my father who grabbed his rifle, aiming at the cat. My mother gave him a look that stopped him dead. To this day I wonder if he was serious.

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Thank you for taking the time to pull these together. We have been lobbing Christmas Card Duty back and forth around our house as the pile of incoming cards grows ever more accusatory. 😃

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These are wonderful to read!

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Thanks for taking all the effort in the world to share some of the most elegantly written letters with us. Means a lot to me. Wishing you (and your team) the very best.

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These letters, filled with rancor and burden, are uproariously funny. The on about the cedar telephone pole sparks memories of cutting wood for the stove and how it smelled to lovely in the wood room. Sylvia Plath's letter to her mother reminded me of the hope the my letters to friends and relations would be enjoyed rather than tossed in the bin. Finally, that poignant description of sheltering from the London Blitz overshadowed the wearisome complaints of those who had lost faith and patience with the whole rigamarole of it all. Those little caroling boys the Spirit that cannot be defeated. Stunning contrasts throughout. Thank you, Shaun.

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Wonderful! Looking for the Gift option”at the top”. Can you help. Gifting a subscription

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Oh don’t mind me. All is well

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I just cannot get enough if this newsletter. Recently found the account on Instagram too 🧡 thank you for bringing these to us

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Thank you so much, sitting here with an oncoming cold and needed all these different bits of letters with so much wit and humour in them.

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I missed the short line from Waugh, read his name, read the letter that followed if, and had a couple of minutes of thinking Evelyn had had a remarkably strange 1950s

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Thank you! Enjoyed so much. Laughed so much. “Some of the dangles were extremely pretty, and sharp enough to cut a man’s head off. “

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