To be fair, I'm with GBS!

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ditto!! I eat mostly raw food, don't drink alcohol and generally dislike "small" talk.

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I am vegetarian, don't drink alcohol, and am an introvert, so yeah, I feel for him.

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yep...I'm a total introvert too. Guess "socializing" was never my strong suit :)

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Mine either - and that was *before* the Panic Disorder (which results in panic attacks if I'm face to face with others) even started! Now I'm totally antisocial.

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Me too, for 18 years, and it became agoraphobia for me. I was determined to overcome it, and I did, but it took a very long time. No more panic, and I can go out now. I can sit under the moon or under an open blue sky, and just doing that feels like a miracle after decades in my mind prison. But eating out and watching people devour other earthlings is not my idea of a good time. I am so grateful I live in the era of the internet where all the people I love and have never met live. =)

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It's not agoraphobia for me - thank gods! I can and do go out. I usually go out around 8am to go to the shops (unless I need Boots or somewhere else that doesn't open until later!). And I try to go for a walk once a week - so long as it's not raining bloody hippos and rhinos!

I'm glad you were able to overcome your panic attacks.

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Sorry to hear about that I had them myself, but did manage to work my way out of them. The ADHD didn't help either...lol. I did lots of Namaste yoga, crossfit, walking in the evening and slowing my life down. Until I hear otherwise, we only have one life. BTW-dogs help too!!

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Can't have a pet - rented accommodation doesn't allow for it. Can't do yoga or crossfit (buggered knee) - I do walk, though - I prefer fairly early in the morning to evenings (walking in darkness/poor light is a nightmare if you're unsteady on your feet). My life is very slowed down, though.

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My feelings exactly.

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I stumbled upon Chappelow's "Shaw, 'the chucker-out': a biographical exposition and critique" book when I was a kid at school - honestly, the cover of that book won me over - a posed photograph of the elderly Shaw yelling from his front-doorstep at someone - GBS became my hero then and there. I adored this letter - thank you for posting it!

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I'm stealing some of these lines 😂

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I feel I have permission now!

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>>>swoon<<< My hero!

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I'm in complete agreement, for all the same reasons.

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